Alumni Relations

How Volunteers Inform Cornell's Advancement Strategy

Let's face it—sometimes managing volunteers can feel like more work than the volunteers are helping your office can get done.

It's important to have a strategy for integrating them into your work, whether you work in alumni relations, advancement, or elsewhere.

Loreal Maguire is Director of Volunteer Programs and Laura DenBow is Senior Director of Volunteer Programs in Cornell's office of alumni affairs. We asked them to share how Cornell integrates alumni into their advancement strategy.

5 Email Trends to Steal for Your Alumni Communications in 2017

There's a steady email arms race going on between retailers, nonprofits, and everyone else eager for a moment of your attention.

Too often, commercial enterprises edge nonprofits and higher ed institutions out of the inbox with innovative copy and design.

Here are five email tactics you can use to keep up in 2017—if you aren't using them already.

How Colorado State University Uses Alumni Career Communities to Serve Over 30,000 Students

Colleges and universities are turning to "career communities"—organized, clustered networks of alumni spread across different industries and fields—to serve their students' career needs at scales larger than ever before.

Colorado State University's Career Communities program is one shining example of the success of such a strategy. CSU's 15 career communities helps its 33,000+ students (and even more young alumni) find their way into the careers of their choosing.

Barb Richardson is Associate Director of Assessment & Strategic Initiatives at CSU's Career Center. We asked her to tell us how CSU has implemented its Career Communities program and made it a success.

Why Alumni Career Communities Matter

Why do students go to college? Most academics would be horrified to discover that it’s not to get a great education and become educated citizens of the world.

Today’s students still want high quality academics, but they take the educational benefits of college for granted. What students really expect from today’s college, as reported in the Higher Education Research Institute’s survey of incoming freshmen, is to get a leg up. Three of the top four reasons for coming to college (and the percentage of students who cited that reason) are related to careers.

4 Colleges and Universities Doing Podcasting Right

Podcasts are an excellent way to keep alumni engaged and advertise your institution to a broader audience. They hold listeners' attention, increase their affinity for your school, and make your institution useful to them. (See our blog post on what schools can learn from public radio for more on this.)

Here are 5 schools that successfully use podcasts to keep their communities engaged.

What Alumni Relations & Advancement Can Learn from Public Radio

Alumni relations and advancement offices aren’t the only ones thinking about engagement these days—every company, website, and media outlet is, too. And that means competition.

One institution is engaging its audience particularly well—it’s a bright spot in an otherwise gloomy-looking industry. Public radio is excelling where other news outlets and media are declining. And it has insights to offer those of us in higher ed who are also competing for our audience’s attention.