Alumni Relations

How Willamette University Engages Young Alumni

Sometimes, alumni engagement is more art than science.

That art requires a deep understanding of and affinity for your alumni community. So who better to engage that community than alumni themselves?

Willamette University in Salem, Oregon has taken that point to heart. Willamette succeeds in engaging its young alumni by leveraging the generosity of its broader alumni network.

We asked Devin Bales, Willamette's alumni and parent relations associate, and a Willamette alumnus himself, to shed some light on Willamette's most successful strategies.

Switchboard's Alumni Career Services Chops

Recently, we've been getting questions specifically about how Switchboard helps students and alumni advance their careers. So our dev team pulled some numbers on career-related posts across all higher ed Switchboards.

The results are clear: Students and alumni trust Switchboard to help them find their next job and plan their careers in the long-term.

3 Infographics on Young Alumni Engagement Strategy

Being a millennial isn't just about when you were born. Young alumni have needs, concerns, and dispositions that differ from other alumni demographics.

Switchboard helps colleges and universities engage their young alumni every day. We report back on our experience in these infographics.